Compiler Weekly: LLVM Backend

All of my compiler projects so far have been focusing on the frontend. I spent a lot of time focusing on parsing languages but the runtime is usually very small. Now it’s time to take a closer look at the backend and build up some new tools.

I chose to work with LLVM because it has some great properties. I wanted a tool that could create native binaries. In my opinion, there is a huge advantage of having native code over using an interpreter or vm. I also know that LLVM has a well supported and known API. It’s a great way to get started building compilers that you know will work because other people have done it.

This week, my project will use LLVM to produce hello world binaries. There wont be much flexibility but it will show the basics needed to setup your own LLVM compiler.

I set out on this project with the following goals:

  1. The compiler should be 100% self contained.
  2. The compiler should not rely on another compiler.
  3. The compiler should have minimal runtime dependencies.

In summary, running it should be the only step to produce a runnable binary. I refuse to run the results of my compiler through clang . I will allow using binutils because thats what other compilers do, so calling ld is fine.

I started by looking at LLVM bindings for rust. The two big options were llvm-sys and inkwell. I chose to use inkwell because it’s a simple wrapper around llvm-sys that makes things slightly easier to use. I might have to use llvm-sys directly for future projects depending on how much tweaking to LLVM I end up doing.

The first goal is getting it to produce LLVM IR that will print hello world. I built this function that borrows the LLVM Context and builds up a function called main.

fn build_hello_world_module(context: &Context) -> Module {
let module = context.create_module("hello");

let builder = context.create_builder();

let i8_ptr_type = context.i8_type().ptr_type(AddressSpace::Global);
let syscall_type = context.void_type().fn_type(&[i8_ptr_type.into()], false);
let syscall = module.add_function("puts", syscall_type, None);

let void_type = context.void_type();
let fn_type = void_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let function = module.add_function("main", fn_type, None);

let block = context.append_basic_block(function, "entry");

let message = unsafe { builder.build_global_string("hello world!", "message")};

builder.build_call(syscall, &[message.as_pointer_value().into()], "call");

return module;

The main function goes ahead and passes a reference to the string "hello world!" to a call to puts. That will print the text to the screen. That is the minimum that we need for a program. Now the real challenge is turning that LLVM module into a working binary.

The next stage is to create a target machine that can compile that IR into an object file. This is where LLVM will do its optimization passes as well.

fn get_target_machine() -> Option<TargetMachine> {

let opt = OptimizationLevel::Aggressive;
let reloc = RelocMode::Default;
let model = CodeModel::Default;
let target = Target::from_name("x86-64").unwrap();
return target.create_target_machine(

Finally to pull it all together, we need a way to link this object file with other libraries. Since our code uses main and puts we will need to link libc. Finding the flags needed to do this was not straightforward but there is a trick that I discovered.

Let’s say that we have an assembly file called a.s that contains roughly the same code that we are generating. Run clang -v a.s, using the -v flag tells clang to run in verbose mode. That will print out all of the arguments that it passes to ld under the hood. Using that technique, I was able to build out the following linker tool:

pub struct X86LibC();

impl X86LibC {
pub fn new() -> Self {

impl Linker for X86LibC {
fn link(&self, object: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let input = input_file(object)?;
let mut output = NamedTempFile::new()?;

let split_cmd = |c: char| c == ' ' || c == '\n';

let libc_start = r"

let libc_end = r"

let result = Command::new("ld")

read_output(&mut output)

You can see that there are a lot of additional flags that we need to pass to ld. The process works as follows:

  1. Create a temporary object file with the result of our LLVM compilation
  2. Create a new temporary file to store the results
  3. Get all of the flags required ready to link our object file with libc
  4. Run the linker and read the output

Once we have that working we can put it all together:

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let context = Context::create();

let module = build_hello_world_module(&context);

let target_machine = get_target_machine().unwrap();
let object = target_machine.write_to_memory_buffer(&module, FileType::Object)?;

let toolchain = toolchain::X86LibC::new();
let executable =;

write_executable(Path::new("a.out"), executable.as_slice())?;

fn write_executable(path: &Path, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut file = File::create(path)?;

let mut perms = file.metadata()?.permissions();
perms.set_mode(perms.mode() | 0o111);
set_permissions(path, perms)

Here we create the LLVM context and use that to create our application module. Then we build up the target machine and use it to compile our module into a x86_64 object file. After creating the object file we need to link it using ld to produce a runnable binary. Finally we take that binary and write it to a file called a.out that the user can run. In the end the results look like this:

> ls
Cargo.lock Cargo.toml src target

> cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
Running `target/debug/llvm-gen`

> ls
a.out Cargo.lock Cargo.toml src target

> ./a.out
hello world!

All of that work to create a hello world binary! Now we have all the pieces in place to build full compilers. They can parse complex grammars and produce native binaries. In the coming weeks we can use these building blocks to create anything we want.
